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Friday, November 23, 2001 Click below to
"No one can do everything, but everyone can do something" |
The World Healing Celebration is a non-political expression of all that is best in humanity, a day-long, world-wide circle of events, gatherings, and festivals centered around a single moment of sound.
For one minute, at exactly 10:00 PM Greenwich Mean Time (2:00 PM on the West Coast of the United States,) individuals all over the globe can take a break from whatever it is they are doing and make a noise -- honk a car horn, sing a song, shout for joy, whatever -- knowing that people everywhere are doing the same thing at the same moment.
In an increasingly frightening and violent world, we are all longing for a greater sense of community. This is one such opportunity.
For more on THE MOMENT, and on other events surrounding that moment, check the Events pages on the website where you can read about planned events and find out how to create and post your own.
Again, please join us in this moment of unity and joyful noise.
Join us in uniting the world for a single moment.
"United we stand, divided we fall."
"We" can and must include everyone on earth who sees the cost of fear, greed, hatred. This expanded "We" will stand together for Love, Hope and Unity. It is now possible, thanks to our communication technology, to actually experience an entire world united. We got a tiny taste of that on that Friday evening following the tragedy of September 11, when so many people got the word to come out of their homes and light candles at 7:00 p.m. -- and did!
If something like that could spread so fast, simply by word of mouth and e-mail, bringing so many people together, think of what we can create next...
Our vision is of a world united for a single moment. A sound, a song, a joyous noise will radiate out from the hearts of all people everywhere on the planet at once. A sound and vibration so loud and so clear it cannot but penetrate even the hardest heart--cracking through the armour and allowing it to stretch, just a little, to open up--breaking in order to grow larger. This sound will reach out, opening one heart and then another and another. It will be the centerpiece of an entire day devoted to healing and celebrating our collective humanity
When we stand together, with our hearts broken and finally open, we can begin building a world that works for all people, not just a few lucky ones. When we truly recognize the power and scope of community, we will be called to create entirely new visions and the means to enact them. It will be just the beginning.
The world has changed, and we can allow this change to frighten us into isolation or to inspire us into communion. Let us choose to join together, uniting in time and space across all borders, both internal and external. Every person, every nation is now interconnected. We cannot, and need not, stand alone.
Why not add your voice to the joyful noise?
Lift a song, a prayer, a shout. Bang a drum, ring a bell, honk your horn to chase away the habits of fear and anger, hatred and greed that are ripping apart our world. Invite everyone to join in. Spread the word through the telephone, the internet, the airwaves. Make sure everyone comes to this party. Heal yourself, each other, and the planet-- for these are one and the same.
The Children's Choir from St. Mark School, Venice, CA
Baytown: A Community in Unity, Baytown, TX
A Hopi Elder Speaks:
"You have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour, now you must go back and tell the people that this is The Hour. And there are these things to be considered...Where are you living? What are you doing? What are your relationships? Are you in right relation? Where is your water? Know your garden. It is time to speak your truth. Create your community. Be good to each other. And do not look outside yourself for the leader."
Then he clasped his hands together, smiled and said "This could be a good time! There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are being torn apart and will suffer greatly.
Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore--push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open and our heads above the water, see who is in there with you and celebrate.
At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally, least of all ourselves--for the moment we do that our spiritual growth comes to a halt.
The time of the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves. Banish the word "struggle" from your attitude and vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration."
--Oraibi, Arizona
Summer Solstice, 1999
1. Spread the word-- you are someone to whom people listen. Be generous; share this with everyone; we all need to feel part of something bigger right now.
2. Create gatherings, events in your communities to celebrate the best of humanity. Some events in the works include dance festivals, concerts, poetry readings, theater, choirs, candle lightings, worship services.
3. Contact www.worldhealingcelebration.org for information, to find events in your area, and to let us know what you're doing so we can add it to the website.
4. Call radio shows, write letters to the editor, make flyers, send e-mails... the success of this endeavor is in all of our hands.
5. Look at your life, build bridges, open your own heart, allow love to begin to heal you. These are difficult times, we must take care of ourselves if we are to heal the world.
2 p.m. Pacific Standard Time
5 p.m. Eastern Standard Time
10 p.m. Greenwich Mean Time
Uniting the Planet for a Single Moment
On November 23, in a spirit of unprecedented solidarity, thousands of people around the world are expected to make a sound at precisely the same time -- whether it's a song, a prayer, a drum, a honking horn or a ringing bell -- to demonstrate that we are one people in one world.
Citizens of the globe in Senegal, Australia, Spain, Britain, Switzerland, Brazil, the United States, Ecuador, Canada, Mexico, Cuba, New Zealand, France, Pakistan and India -- have been approached to take part. Many have agreed, and the hope is that many more will.
"A joyful noise will radiate from people everywhere on the planet at once," says Roberta Raye, one of the Los Angeles-based organizers of The World Healing Celebration. "We cannot, and need not, stand alone."
In the wake of the events of September 11, and of the countless other conflicts still destroying lives around the world, many people feel isolated, fearful and helpless. The World Healing Celebration, a non-political, non-religious event, is designed to remind people that, even if they feel powerless to stop atrocities or war, they have the power to generate a sense of connection in their own communities. And, by extension, with the rest of the planet.
Organizers are inviting people to stage their own events and to spread the word via telephone, the internet, the airwaves. "Make sure everyone comes to this party," Raye says. "It's a chance to bring the spirit of Thanksgiving out of our personal circles and share it with everybody, everywhere."
For more information, visit the event's website at www.worldhealingcelebration.org
The e-mail address is WHCelebration@aol.com
LOS ANGELES (Wireless Flash) -- A Los Angeles housewife is hoping to heal the world by getting everyone to make a racket at the same moment.
Roberta Raye is asking the whole world to make "joyful noise" for one minute on November 23, at exactly 5 p.m. ET (10 p.m. GMT).
She says "joyful noise" is any sound that gives the person making it pleasure and, in her ears, that's anything from a squealy-guitar solo by a metalhead to a marathon burp by a 12-year-old to a baby banging on pots and pans.
Even farting or bottle breaking is allowed as long as it gives you pleasure.
Raye believes all the banging will harmonize and help everyone feel connected for one moment. She admits her idea sounds "airy-fairy" but thinks it might help the terrorists "shake off their terror."
CONTACT: Roberta Raye, Los Angeles; (310) 823-1360
"Baytown: A Community in Unity" in The Baytown Sun
RAWA the Revolutionary Association of Women of Afghanistan
Margot "HEAVEN" Hope, Sacred dance artist and teacher.
Earthdance is a collective of international party promoters, artists, musicians and supporters of electronic dance music.
Cyberstuff ...useful stuff for the rest of us.
Myth*ing Links - Mythological Studies
Paco's Global Village World Healing Celebration designated PICK OF THE WEEK
Bob Mutascio
Bruce Becker
Nick Madigan
Frances McGinley
Kim Rahilly
Keary Jenkins
Barbara Solomon
Christopher Pellani
Jodie Evans
Diana Munoz
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