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Personal and Professional Associations, in no particular order.

(Many of these logos come from their own sites)

ACLU, committed to defending the Constitution
Greenpeace, the people's environmental protective agency, committed to preserving the natural resources of the planet for future generations
The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, defending the world's marine mammals
The Sierra Club, the other people's environmental protective agency, dedicated to preserving the natural beauty and protecting the land
The National Wildlife Federation, speaking in behalf of those who cannot speak for themselves

The National Resources Defense Council Earth Action Center, for those who want to make a difference in protecting our environment
The Planetary Society, champions of space exploration
MUFON, the Mutual UFO Network, spreading the word about one of the most important issues of our time
Library of Congress, where the "official" word of the United States of America is stored
The Smithsonian Institute, the "official" museum of the United States of America, preserving our historical resources, from the Spirit of St. Louis to Fonzie's leather jacket :-)
The Institute of Noetic Sciences, expanding into the scientific fringes, doing research and education on the powers of the mind Featured in Dan Brown's new book "The Lost Symbol."
Landmark Education, producing ontological breakthroughs. Rated by Top 100 Expo as 2nd Greatest Adventure. Check your favorite search engine for more sites.
Free Soul, an organization founded on the principles of teaching you how to access new dimensions of human potential and the power of your higher self. Founded by Pete A. Sanders, Jr., an honors graduate from M.I.T. in BioMedical Chemistry and Brain Science, with over 20 years experience in Biofeedback and Mind/Body instruction. Check here for a listing of local instructors (I'm one myself, though not currently active), as well as information about national and local courses

And here's some other really interesting sites

Deoxyribonucleic Hyperdimension, engaging site with references to many of today's top thinkers, including Robert Anton Wilson, Timothy Leary, John Lilly, Terrence McKenna and Alan Watts
NASA, the "official" US space agency
Jet Propulsion Lab, the guys who make NASA look good

   "I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us 
   with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use."  
						Galileo Galilei

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This page Created by Bob Mutascio at bobm@treeofknowledge.com

Last updated on July 11, 2019
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